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Open Eyes 141 09-21-15 Natural Cures and Big Pharma Gouging

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The main topic will be natural cures and remedies, coming from the point of view of experience on a personal basis with them.

We’ll also talk about some current events.

This is one you do NOT want to miss folks! Call in with your questions or your own experiences!



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Al Sharpton visit…







Earlier this month, scientists working in South Africa made an exciting announcement: They had discovered a new species of human ancestor. The species, which they named Homo naledi, may be among the first of the genus Homo, what the project’s lead scientist, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, described as a “bridge” between more primitive species and humans. National Geographic called it “one of the greatest fossil discoveries of the past half century.”






One of the most exciting aspects of the naledi discovery was that the skeletons appear to have been deposited in a burial chamber, suggesting the species engaged in rituals and even symbolic thought. That raises a whole host of scientific and anthropological questions: When did Homo naledi live, for example, and why did it die out?

But the discovery of a relatively advanced human ancestor also raises theological questions, particularly for Christians who believe that a person must believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life in Heaven. It may sound silly to apply that standard to primitive species hovering millions of years ago between animal and human, but it’s an important question if you believe in the eternal soul.





The broader issue is what happens to the soul of anyone born before Jesus Christ. Surely Moses and Abraham, for example, made it to Heaven. But how? The short answer, according to many theologians, is they trusted in God’s promises about the coming of a savior. They wouldn’t have known the specifics about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but they could have had a general faith that a Messiah was on his way.

A related question is what happens to modern people who never had the chance to hear the message of Jesus Christ. Again, most Christian theologians allow for salvation on the basis of a kind of orientation toward God. Here’s how the Catholic Church’s Second Vatican Council addressed the problem in 1964, for example:

Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.

Young Earth Creationists, who deny evolutionary theory and argue that God created the universe in the span of six days no more than 10,000 years ago, are not known for their comfort with ambiguity. For them, the most pressing problem each time scientists discover a new hominid is whether the species is ape or human. The former are mere animals; the latter have an eternal soul. The creationist organization Answers in Genesis, which operates the Creation Museum in Kentucky, calls Neanderthals “fully human,” for example, while the 3-million-year-old “Lucy” was clearly an ape. Reasons to Believe, another creationist group, classifies Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and others as animals. Others have speculated that Neanderthals are the people who died in the devastating flood described in the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. (My cousin, a Christian biologist, recently explored these issues in a fascinating entry on his blog.)






















U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power and EU foreign minister Federica Mogherini should condemn and work to reverse the appointment of Saudi Arabia as head of a key UN Human Rights Council panel that selects top officials who shape international human rights standards and report on violations worldwide, said UN Watch, a non-governmental watchdog organization based in Geneva.




 22 Suburban public school districts in western New York are deciding that the best way to protect the children, is to open an office in every school, and place staff from the Erie County CPS and Social Services.





Here is a list of the school districts in Erie County, NY that have agreed to the CPS/Social Services infiltration.
•Cheektowaga – Maryvale Union Free
•Cheektowaga – Sloan Union Brant
•Grand Island
•Kenmore – Tonawanda Union Free
•Lackawanna City Schools
•North Collins
•Orchard Park
•Randolph Academy
•Springville – Griffith Institute
•Sweet Home
•Tonawanda City Schools
•West Seneca
•Williamsville Central




Improper sterilization of surgical equipment at Seattle Children’s Hospital has put tens of thousands of children at risk of accidental HIV infection. Officials from the Bellevue Clinic and Surgery Center say they are now offering free blood tests to roughly 12,000 families after it was determined that many or all of them could have been infected with HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases via filthy medical instruments.




A child was transported to a hospital with minor head injuries after a shock from spider caused a crash involving a school bus and a “driverless” car, according to the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.







After purchasing the rights to a drug that prevents infections in people with weakened immune systems, including AIDS patients and cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy, a pharmaceutical company has raised the price of the drug by 5,000%. Instead of paying $13.50 per pill, patients with life-threatening illnesses are now forced to pay $750 per pill.








How to make a tincture:


plant material

mason jars

DONT let the metal touch the vodka, same as apple cider vinegar…

Infused Oils…

Extra virgin olive oil

plant material

mason jars…

Glycerine can also be used as the solvent, but not always the best.

Bee stings, etc, use clay, mud, baking soda, etc….

When making an oil infusion, you are not limited to one herb.  You may choose to mix multiple herbs into one “brew,” to save space and time.

Once you have chosen the herb you wish to use, you are ready to begin the process of creating the infused oil.  For this, you will need an oil of your choice, a quart sized glass jar and a lid for the jar.  Olive oil works well, but once made, it can leave a greasy residue on the skin when used; it will, however, be tasteless.  You may not care for the feeling it leaves on the skin.

Almond oil works well with this recipe, as it will not leave a greasy sensation on the skin.  However, it is expensive.  Coconut oil and vegetable oil is not recommended as the results will be extremely greasy and hard to easily handle.

You may choose to use freshly cut or dried herbs, but the potency of fresh is stronger than dried; powdered herbs are not recommended for oil infusions.  Basically, you will need to use twice as much dried herb for the same potency as fresh, but the cost and availability of the herbs will be your deciding factor.  An option to using a large amount of dried herb is to allow the infusion to “brew” longer.

When you are ready to begin, gather the ingredients to your workspace.  If you wish to use more than one herb per infusion, mix them together.

Fill the glass jar about ¼ from the bottom; if you are using fresh, fill it half way.  The amount does not have to be exact.  Once the herbs are in the jar, fill the jar to at least two inches above the top of the herb.  Use a spoon to push any floating herbs to the bottom of the jar, making sure that all air bubbles are released, and that there are no parts of the plants exposed to air.

Once done, place the lid on the jar, and set it in a dark, cool place.  It will need to infuse for about four weeks, and the longer it infuses, the better.  Every few days, stir the contents of the jar, again making sure no parts of the plants are exposed to air.  This will prevent molding.  If you see or smell any mold, dispose of it all and start over.  This is unlikely, however, if you follow the above directions and use fresh oil.

When the time period has passed and the infused oil is ready to use, you will need to strain the contents of the jar in cheesecloth, making sure to remove the large debris from the oil.  Compost or dispose of the left over plants properly.

You now have an herbal infused oil, ready to use in whatever recipe or method you need.

When stored in a cool, dry place, with a tight lid, the oil should stay usable for at least six months without refrigeration.

Many people are searching for natural, healthy alternatives to medications for the heart.  One of the best ways to gain tone in the heart muscles is the Hawthorne herb.

Hawthorne (lt. Crataegus orycantholdes) has been shown in studies across the globe as one of the best herbs available for heart health.  It has been shown to help equalize blood pressure, lower the pulse rate, and increase strength of the heart’s contractions, especially when used for an extended time.  Hawthorne can also reduce hardening of the arteries and arrhythmia.

The German governmental agency called Kommission E, which produces guides on the safe manufacture and dosing procedures of herbs as medicines, has shown that it also helps when working in low oxygen conditions and improves physical capacity and capabilities.

An easy way to gain the health benefits that Hawthorn contains is in the creation of tinctures.

Tinctures are created by first placing an herb or mix of herbs into a “solvent,” usually alcohol, vinegar or glycerine.  After a period of time, the medicinal properties of the herb are infused into the solvent, and can then be used.

To make a Hawthorn tincture, one must have a mason, or other jar with a sealing lid.  Then, pick fresh or purchase hawthorn.  Dried hawthorn herb is available and works well, but hawthorn in powdered form is not quite as potent.

Place the hawthorn into the jar, and then pour alcohol of at least 80 proof over the herb.  100 proof vodka works best, as approximately half of the constituent compounds in the herb will dissolve into alcohol, and the other half into water.  Since 100 proof vodka is half water and half alcohol, this solvent will break down the chemical composition of the herb as much as possible.

The alcohol should cover the herb fully, and raise to a level at least two (2) inches above the top of the herb.  Push down the plant material with a utensil, making sure that none is exposed to air.  All air bubbles trapped under the herb should be released.  Then, seal the jar with the lid, and place it into a cool, dry, dark place for a period of at least four (4) weeks.

You should stir the contents of the jar every few days, making sure that there is no plant material exposed to the air to prevent any molding occurring.

After four weeks, the tincure will be ready to use.  A longer time period will not be adverse, but bear in mind that the fresher the herb was at the beginning, the longer of a time period will be needed.  No more than six weeks, in any case, should be needed.

Once the time has passed, strain the contents of the jar out with a cheesecloth.  You may then store the tincture in the jar itself, or decant into smaller bottles for easier use.  The tincture, when made with this method, will be preserved for at least two (2) years when stored properly in a cool, dark place.

If alcohol is unacceptable to use in this solution, apple cider vinegar or glycerine can replace it easily.  The time period with these other solutions, however, will be a little longer, and the potency not as efficient.  Also, if vinegar is used, do not use a jar with a metal lid, as it will quickly destroy the lid, spoiling the entire mix.

One quarter of a teaspoon daily, mixed in any drink, would be an approximate dose for adults, and less for children.

Considering the growing concern over good heart health, as well as the rising cost of medications, using this tincture will allow you access to the potent health benefits of Hawthorn, easily and safely, at a low cost.

There are many health benefits to the Comfrey plant, which have been known for centuries. Different names have been given to the herb that signify the potent healing abilities it grants.

      1. What is Comfrey

The most common variety of Comfrey found in natural food and herbal stores is Symphytum uplandicum. This genus, also known as Russian Comfrey, is a sterile plant; it does not produce seeds. Instead, it grows by root cuttings, making growth easier to control than in other Comfrey varieties. Each time a root is cut and replanted, a new growth will occur. Comfrey which is not sterile can swiftly overwhelm the area it grows in.

The plant mainly grows in watery, temperate climates and cultivated multiple times through the growing season.Each part of the herb is useful.

      1. Other Names for Comfrey

One of the oldest names given to Comfrey is “knit bone” or “bone set.” Comfrey, when made into a poultice and placed over the site of a fractured bone, will increase the speed that the fracture heals dramatically.

Bruisewort is another common name for Comfrey, likely due to its ability to reduce the swelling around bruised or sprained areas. As with a broken bone, using a poultice on the area will speed the recovery time significantly.

Other names for Comfrey include consound, wallwort, black root and gum plant.

      1. Super Skin Healing

Comfrey has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, making it useful for any skin disorders. Cuts, scrapes and burns benefit from Comfrey by applying it with as a poultice or a bandage dipped into a cool tea made with the plant.

Research has shown that the skin healing properties of the plant is due to Allantoin, a main component of Comfrey The skin cell regenerative effects of this compound are so potent, in fact, that pharmaceutical companies are attempting to develop synthetic versions for use in medicines.

It is important to clean any wounds as thoroughly as possible before applying Comfrey New skin grows so rapidly that any foreign material left in the wound can get trapped, remaining underneath the new growth.

These skin healing properties of Comfrey were once used frequently by combat medics and battlefield doctors.

      1. The Way to the Heart is Through the Stomach

The herb is high in vitamins A, B12 and C and protein, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium.

One may eat Comfrey as any other leafy vegetable, such as lettuce or parsley. Ingested this way or as a tea aids in many intestinal disorders, ulcers and hemorrhoids. Since Comfrey is highly mucilaginous, it is also very effective in granting relief from dysentery and diarrhea.

The herb is very useful in promoting cardiovascular health and healing respiratory disorders, and will heal sores in the mouth and throat.

      1. How Comfrey Is Used

Comfrey is usable as a poultice, tea or infused into tinctures or oils.

Since it is easily administered and grants so many useful health benefits, many herbalists and homeopathic practitioners depend on Comfrey for their remedies.

Calendula, also known as the pot marigold, is a flower with golden-colored petals grown primarily in North America and Europe to bring beauty to gardens.  However, it has many health benefits, as well, which have been known and used for several centuries.

What It is

The most commonly cultivated genus of Calendula is known as Calendula Officinalis.  This flower is a perennial, and is an easily-growing member of the daisy family.  The name is likely derived from the fact that it blooms near the first of the month in its growing season.

Though it is commonly known in some areas as the “pot marigold,” it is not related to other plants known as marigolds.

It’s In The Skin

The most well-known health benefits of Calendula are those dealing with skin ailments of any kind.

Unless the user is allergic to the plant, there have been no reports of side effects or drug interactions when using the herb.  Many herbalists and homeopathic practitioners take advantage of this to enhance the potency of many of their products.

Calendula will, when properly prepared, heal skin disorders, such as ulcerations, eczema, boils and lesions.  It will also reduce inflammation caused by bruising and cuts.

Digestive Aid

If made into a tincture or tea and taken internally, Calendula will promote healing of ailments in the digestive tract.  It will lessen the effects of ulcers in the stomach, mouth or throat.

Since it is a “bitter,” it will soothe indigestion and stimulate the liver and gall bladder.  This aids the body when digesting food, especially food high in fat.  Drinking warm Calendula tea after dinner will help prevent heartburn.

Reducing Inflammation

Calendula is an astringent; this means that it will reduce swelling in bodily tissues.  Sprains, bruises and the tissues surrounding broken bones are greatly helped by applying a Calendula poultice.  Skin outbreaks that cause inflammation, such as ulcers, boils or acne, will also benefit from this property.

Dry Skin No More

Calendula is ideal for any skin ailment that causes dry or cracked skin.

“Cradle cap,” as well as sore, cracked or dried nipples in nursing mothers benefit greatly from using the herb.  A tea made from the flower can also cure yeast infections and conjunctivitis; a tincture will help with athlete’s foot, herpes and varicose veins.

Upping The Anti

The Calendula plant has anti-microbial properties, making it effective in treating ringworm and scabies, and rinsing the scalp after a lice infestation will help heal any damage done.

There is ongoing research into its anti-cancer properties; it has been found useful in treating cancers, such as Heren’s Carcinoma.

It also has anti-genotoxic qualities.  Chemical compounds and radiation can cause cellular integrity to degrade at the core, by mutating the genetic material that makes it up.  Calendula can reduce the effects of exposure to these toxins, preventing tumors from developing.

Calendula has been used for many years in the cosmetics industry.  Primarily being found in lotions and face creams, Calendula will reduce the signs of aging over time.

Easy To Use

Since this plant is simple to grow in many soil types and climates, taking advantage of the many health benefits of Calendula is easy to do.


Natural herbal lip balms are easy to create and safe to use, and bring many health benefits to you.

The first part of making a home-madenatural lip balm is patience; you must create herb infused oils with the herbs that you will be adding to the balm, which is a time-consuming process.  Herbal oils are, however, easy to make and, once completed, have many beneficial health properties.

The most common herbs used in this recipe are Comfrey, which is well known for its wound healing properties and promotes the rapid growth of new skin cells, and Calendula, which is excellent for dry, cracked skin.  Since most lip balms are made to help heal chapped and sore lips, these two herbs make a potent combination.

However, any herbs that you choose for their health benefits, will be useful.

The materials needed for this lip balm recipe are :


  • 1 cup total of the herb infused oils
  • 2 ounces of beeswax
  • Emptied and cleaned candy tins, lip balm tubes, or other container to hold final product
  • Vitamin E capsule (the liquid type) and needle (optional, see below)
  • Flavoring extract of choice
  • Double boiler or pan
  • Heat source

This recipe will fill about 24 standard sized lip balm containers, and can be easily adjusted down to suit your needs.

Gather the ingredients into your workspace, and prepare the containers for the lip balm.  If you are using standard lip balm tubes, stand them on end to make pouring of the liquid easy.  It is a good idea to place them close together, as, once the product is ready to pour, it will very rapidly harden.

One cup of your herb infused oil will be needed in total.  If you are using multiple oils, measure them out in whatever configuration you wish.  As an example, if you are using ComfreyCalendula and Saint Johns Wort, use 1/3 cup of each, adding to 1 cup total.

A double boiler is the easiest heating source to use, but any pan will work; a double boiler will make it easier to melt the wax without scalding it.

Heat the double boiler or pan on low heat, and place the 2 ounces of beeswax in it to melt.  Stir often, until the wax is completely melted.  At this point, add in the 1 cup of herb infused oil .  Do not be concerned when it seems to “look weird;” the oil that you added is cooler than the melted beeswax, and it is simply needing to re-melt again.

Add in drops of your flavoring extract.  Peppermint, root beer and raspberry work great for this recipe, but any flavoring you wish to use will work.  The amount of drops you put in will depend on the flavoring involved.  If it is a strong flavor, such as peppermint or lavender, five (5) drops should be enough.  If it is a light flavor – raspberry, strawberry, lemon, etc – you should use more.  Essentially, this is a matter of personal taste.  The more you use, the more flavorful the lip balm will be.

When the mix is fully melted once more, turn off the heat.  Poke a hole in the Vitamin E capsule and squeeze the liquid into the mix, stirring it all well.  The Vitamin E will act as a preservative, allowing you to keep the lip balm for a longer period before spoiling.  This step is optional; if you are only making a small amount, and plan to use it all within six months, it will not need to be preserved.  If you think it will be around longer, use the Vitamin E.  It is not a bad idea either way, however.

The next step is to pour the liquid into the waiting containers.  You may wish to pour the contents of the pan into a cup with an easier-to-pour lip before pouring it into the containers; this makes things much less messy.  This step is, again, up to you.

You will notice the liquid hardening quite swiftly once removed from the heat source.  If you are unable to pour it all into the containers in time, simply remelt it and pour again, repeating as necessary.

This natural, herb infused oil lip balm will store in a cool, dry place for six months without preservation, and may be used as often as needed.

How to Make Pemmican

You’ll need:

  • 4 cups lean meat or a pound (deer, beef, caribou or moose)
  • 3 cups blueberries (or other dried fruits)
  • 2 cups rendered fat (or 1/2 pounds)
  • Optional – about 1 shot of honey (you can add nuts but they will lower the self life)

Get about a pound and a half of lean, grass-fed shoulder roast and let it firm up in the freezer so you can slice it thin.

Add salt and pepper. Set the oven to the lowest possible temperature (around 150 degrees) and put the strips of meat directly onto the rack. Crack the oven door to prevent moisture buildup.

At this point, you can also put a handful of frozen wild blueberries on a small oven pan to dry out with the meat.

Let the meat dry out for about fifteen hours, or until it is crispy. Toss it in the food processor until it becomes a powder. Do the same with the blueberries. In the old days they’d pound it with a rock to turn it into a “powder”.

For the fat portion of pemmican, you can use tallow (rendered beef or mutton fat) or lard (rendered pork fat). Cut up your fat in small pieces and place the fat into the crockpot. Set the crock pot on low heat and remove it only after it becomes completely liquid. Use a strainer to avoid all the crispy bits; you just want the pure, liquid fat.

Mix the meat and berry powder together, then slowly add the hot liquid fat. Pour just enough so that the fat soaks into the powder – slowly.

Let it firm up, then cut it into squares or roll it into a ball.

If done and stored correctly it can last for decades. Wrap these “pemmican balls” in wax paper and store them in a ziplock bag in a cool, dark place.

Back in the 1800, the Metis (one of the recognized Aboriginal peoples in Canada) would go southwest onto the prairie, slaughter buffalo, convert it into pemmican and carry it north to trade at the North West Company posts. For these people on the edge of the prairie the pemmican trade was as important a source of trade goods as was the fur trade for the Indians further north. And this is because for a serious journey, almost all foods would have been too heavy to carry.






One Comment:

  1. i want to share to the whole world on how Dr Ofemo help my Mother cure HIV, Please help me thank Dr Ofemo for his good work I really believe HIV has no cure,but now i believe there is real herbalist cure here,my mother was HIV positive over since 5 year plus before I come across a comment about Dr Ofemo that he have cure to any disease and virus but when I saw it i have it in mind that he can’t cure my mother HIV I just decided to give a try I contact him that night luckily to me he said yes but I don’t believe him I think it was a scam or some thing like that but I still hold on to see the work of Dr Ofemo if he is saying the true, he ask for different thing and some question about my mother I give him all the details he needed and I waited to see his reply to my mother problem. After all the things is done he ask me to tell my mother to go for check up my mother went for HIV test I cant believe she became HIV negative thanks to Dr Ofemo for helping me cure my mother disease. if you need help of any kind you can contact him now with his Email at drofemospelltemple@gmail.com i also saw online how he has cured so many people, Dr Ofemo is a great herbalist that treats and cure all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, and solves life’s problems that you might have etc.. contact him today and he will help you solved your problem, contact him via:drofemospelltemple@yahoo.com or his web/site: http://drofemospelltemple.wix.com/dr-ofemo or cell number +2348163387496 his web/site http://greatofemospelltemple.webs.com/

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