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Open Eyes 127 07-29-15 Guns, Gods, and Giving

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In this episode, we catch up on some of the news stories that have been circulating and cut through the BS that surrounds them. Mass shootings, strange happenings in the world and more are all covered. We also try to bring a little positivity to the world.

Gun control, tithing, the argument between Paul and James in the Bible, and much more, right here in this episode!




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14th amendment anniversary…

Following its ratification by the necessary three-quarters of U.S. states, the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing to African Americans citizenship and all its privileges, is officially adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

Two years after the Civil War, the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 divided the South into five military districts, where new state governments, based on universal manhood suffrage, were to be established. Thus began the period known as Radical Reconstruction, which saw the 14th Amendment, which had been passed by Congress in 1866, ratified in July 1868. The amendment resolved pre-Civil War questions of African American citizenship by stating that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States…are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.” The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizens, and granted all these citizens the “equal protection of the laws.”

In the decades after its adoption, the equal protection clause was cited by a number of African American activists who argued that racial segregation denied them the equal protection of law. However, in 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that states could constitutionally provide segregated facilities for African Americans, so long as they were equal to those afforded white persons. The Plessy v. Ferguson decision, which announced federal toleration of the so-called “separate but equal” doctrine, was eventually used to justify segregating all public facilities, including railroad cars, restaurants, hospitals, and schools. However, “colored” facilities were never equal to their white counterparts, and African Americans suffered through decades of debilitating discrimination in the South and elsewhere. In 1954, Plessy v. Ferguson was finally struck down by the Supreme Court in its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.






In a recent New Yorker article, longtime columnist Adam Gopnick coined the term “mini-massacre.”

It’s “a gun killing that is horrific in its shock and numerous in its casualties but not sufficiently large enough in the number of dead to really register as a major event,” Gopnik wrote.

This term seems apropos when considering the Mass Shooting Tracker created by the anti-gun subreddit Guns Are Cool. According to the Mass Shooting Tracker, there have been 206 mass shootings so far in 2015 – one for every day of the year.

It is important to note the Mass Shooting Tracker defines a mass shooting as a shooting spree in which four or more people are shot. The folks at Guns Are Cool notes that this differs from the FBI definition in which an event only qualifies as a mass shooting if four or more people are killed.

“The most obscene incidents of gun violence usually do not make the mainstream news at all,” Guns Are Cool writes on the reddit page for the Mass Shooting Tracker. “Why? Because their definition is incorrect. The mainstream news meaning of “mass shooting” should more accurately be described as “mass murder.'”




Some examples of these “mini-massacres” include a seven-person shooting in Philadelphia on June 22, a shooting that left two people dead, including a police officer, in Navajo Nation, Arizona on March 20, and a triple murder suicide just last Wednesday in Forsyth County, Georgia — the day before the movie theater shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana that left three more people dead.

Some of these shootings are so horrifying it seems odd they didn’t generate national news coverage.







A Florida church sent a delinquency notice to a new member reminding her that worshipers were expected to pay $1,000 in required fees or face possible removal.

Candace Petterson said she started attending the Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church about six months ago after moving to a new home in the Tampa area, but she received a troubling letter last week from the church, reported WFTS-TV.

The single mother said she received what amounted to a delinquency notice from her new church asking her to contribute $50 a month, along with other assorted fees, to remain a member in good standing and vote on church matters.

The predominantly black church, which has operated for more than a century, asked her to pay a yearly $250 anniversary fee and another $150 for Mount Moriah Day – amounting to $1,000, some of which would be set aside to pay off church debt.

“What church charges you to help pay off what they’re going through?” Petterson said. “I’m not there for that.”

The letter, from assistant administrator Ladreda Spencer and Pastor B.R. Fulton Jr., also reminded Petterson that children – including her 11-year-old daughter – were expected to pay $5 a month to the church in addition to two annual $15 fees.

The letter notified Petterson, who said she had been unaware of the required contributions, that members fell into delinquency if they failed to make payments for three months or more, reported the Christian Post.

“In order to not be removed from the church roll, your attention to this matter [is] greatly appreciated,” the letter warned, but offered to grant her a 90-day “hardship” exemption.

Church officials acknowledged they sent the notice to Petterson, the TV station reported, but they declined to offer additional comments or explanation.

Petterson posted a copy of the letter on the church’s Facebook page, where one church member in “good standing” scolded the younger woman for publicizing her complaint.

“I love my church and my pastor,” said member Bonnie Maxwell. “I know people have their opinions regarding the letter that was sent out to this young lady and put over social media. I don’t understand why so much negativity about paying a monthly assessment of $50 a month, that you already knew about. If you go to a club or a bar whatever you wish to call it every weekend, you are paying about $10 or maybe more to get in the door and then paying again for drinks.”

“As Christians we are required to be obedient,” Maxwell added.













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