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Brothers at Arms 028 09-17-15 Zero Tolerance Policies and Strip Searches



Open Eyes Podcast

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If you are like us, you have ZERO TOLERANCE for Zero Tolerance policies, and that, as well as strip searches in school,  is the main topic of discussion for the evening.

Be sure to tune in, it’s something you do NOT want to miss!


Join the Cold Resistance Movement!

We were also joined by special guest Bethany Robinson

Joe Long‘s Facebook page can be found here.


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Less than a year from now, Laurene Powell Jobs will give away $50 million.

The widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Powell Jobs is now spearheading a major campaign to rethink high school.

It’s called XQ: The Super School Project.



Someone blamed the outbreak of the bubonic plague on anti-vaxxers.





Anyone with even the faintest interest in the state of American gun control already knows that laws restricting firearms purchases are useless when it comes to preventing gun violence. But, as usual, it takes liberals a little longer to come around to a common sense understanding of any given subject. More often than not, they never get there at all. Still, studies like this one might help sway the undecided.

Prominent feminist and journalist Julie Bindel has openly called for putting all men in concentration camps and eradicating heterosexuality.

Remind me again how feminism isn’t about man hating?
 An acrimonious Michigan custody case that drew national media attention in July when a judge ordered three children into juvenile detention for refusing to meet with their father continues to make headlines. This time it’s as the kids reunite with dad Omer Tsimhoni after going through a controversial court-ordered “reunification therapy” treatment.


  1. So, there’s a woman saying all men should be locked up, but she is pointedly AGAINST homosexuality? She wants all of the men to be locked up together, all of the women to live only around other women… (Face –>Palm) Fighting sexism with fanatic sexism, and fighting homosexuality by making heterosexuality extremely inconvenient. Clearly, this woman is some kind of progressive-thinking, logistical genius. Let’s put her in charge of the “war on drugs” and see if we can get a pot farm going on every street corner.

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